The Benefits of Breaking a Leg

For contemporary English-speaking theater people, the ritual greeting of “Break a leg” has a truly benign origin. Much earlier in stage history, when superstition had a less frightening hold on the craft, actors and their followers used a more gracious greeting: “May you break your leg,” by which it was…

Fraser Strategy and Martin Charlton Communications strategically align to create full-service communications entity

Two Saskatchewan companies, Fraser Strategy Inc. and Martin Charlton Communications, today announced a new strategic alliance creating one of western Canada’s largest full-service communications entities. “While our business is successful we always believe there are areas for growth that can be created through partnerships rather than us having to reinvent…

Top 6 Online Marketing Tactics

We have established in earlier posts that the new marketing environment tends to be a mix of traditional, non-traditional and online tactics centered around the concept that all will drive eyeballs to your online presence. It is this online presence that is the foundation of your marketing strategy and where potential customers garner…

The Marketing Environment – the New Look Marketing Plan

In my last post (The Marketing Environment – Change is Upon us) we established that the foundation of a marketing strategy must be your online presence. This holds true for industries, large corporate entities, mid-size and smaller businesses – this is indeed the fundamental change that has transpired in the last few…

Saskatchewan Sports Hall of Fame Strategic Plan Focuses on Growth

The Saskatchewan Sports Hall of Fame is a bastion of our province’s rich sports history and the Hall’s  progressive Board of Directors are working hard to move this cultural institution into a “must see” destination in Regina. Most recently a strategy has been developed and approved by the Board of Directors. This process…

Gord Gets It – A Tourism Leader in Saskatchewan – Sturgeon River Ranch

Picture yourself in the saddle, riding a well-trained and calm horse into the boreal forest of a National Park – the Prince Albert National Park. This is where the Hudson’s Bay Fur Trading Company had a post in the 1880’s. This is a park that was established in 1928 that covers off…

The Marketing Environment – Change is Upon Us

I left my cushy job as a VP of a very large ad agency over 4 years ago – at about the same time that I came to the realization that the marketing environment was changing. Changing very quickly. This was due to the increasing utilization of the internet – a phenomena…